Film & Television Script Writing
A professional screenwriter can help you structure, write and polish a high-quality movie script from your idea, book or first draft to get your work in front of a producer much quicker. I have several top-notch screenwriters on staff.
Book Proposal
Our team has written and published 4 books and helped our clients publish dozens. Why Wait? A book proposal helps you pitch your idea for a nonfiction book or a completed novel. Get your idea out to the world.
Ghostwriting Book Service
You need your own book! Exclusive ghostwriting, editing, proofreading services available, with help to navigate next steps in getting your ideas out to the world. Get your expertise established this year with your own book or series of books.
Film Producing Services
Film production services from concept to completion. Whether you need a script and budget, or the complete film shot for you, our team will manage this with you in the driver's seat.
Film Business Plan
A Film Business Plan is the first step to executing your idea, and giving you a concrete way to share your vision with your potential partners and investors. We make them or collaborate for best results.
Adaptation Book To Script
You wrote a book, go the extra mile and have it adapted into a film screenplay to get your story on-screen and in front of audiences who can enjoy your work. There's no better time to adapt your story into a possible movie.
Accountability Services
You have big goals along with the drive and ambition to meet them. But... you need a bit of HELP to stay on top of your goals - because life is busy. This service will help you meet your goals, and take the actions necessary to achieve the results you're looking for.
Entrepreneurship Coaching for Creative People
Creative people ARE entrepreneurs, and our services are specifically tailored to help you use your creative skills to generate revenue. This empowering coaching will help you take step-by-step actions to start monetizing your creative talent no matter whether you're a writer, filmmaker, entertainer or performer.
Encouragement & Inspiration
Maybe you've forgotten how awesome you are, or your self confidence has flagged somewhere down the road? You can get this back - with a few simple tools and a practice to remember that you can do the creative goal you have for yourself!